Hertzian Tales Electronic Products Aesthetic Experience and Critical Design 2
^ Andrea Branzi
^ Memphis group
As new technical developments alter the object and make it “intelligent,” they also set the object on a plane with no prior cultural references . . . although the physical aspects of these objects are still within the world of materials, their operation and their very state of being is well beyond the manipulation of matter and has more to do with information exchange than with form.

^ jean baudrillard
^ paul virilio
^ Don Norman; the psychology of everyday things
^ Zihaly Csikszentmihalyi / Eugene Roshberg-Haltions / thE MEANING OF THINKS (1981)
^ Design after Modernism / John Thackara (1988)
interview and studio visit with defne koz and marco susani of koz susani design studio >
^ Gaston Bachelard - The poetics of space
^ Junichiro Tanizaki - In Praise of Shadows
^ Daniel Weil bagradio
^ Neil Denari
^ Daniel Weil
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> Dunne and baby (link)
Design Noir - The Secret life of Electronic Objects / Anthony Dunne & Flona Raby
Technological Dream Series: No. 1, Robots / Dunne & Raby
Speculative Everything, Dunne & Raby
test fase #4

- Speakers gebruiken om frequenties spectra te onderzoeken.

- Onderzoek naar welke speaker welke frequentie heeft.

- Visueel orkest realiseren.